Wednesday, September 21, 2016

Wednesday, Wednesday

Do you ever wonder whose job it was to spell Wednesday?  hmmm  Let's google it -
"The name is a calque of the Latin dies Mercurii "day of Mercury", reflecting the fact that the Germanic god Woden (Wodanaz or Odin) during the Roman era was interpreted as "Germanic Mercury". The Latin name dates to the late 2nd or early 3rd century."
Soooo... today I went to the dentist for cleaning and conversation.  You know, they put their hands in your mouth and ask questions... my hygienist is very nice, so I don't even mind...and she entertains me.  We were talking about families and holidays and trips.  And how they switched from Christmas gift giving to family trips...and before you know it my teeth are sparkly and clean.  They also were quizzing me about the girl who is in dental school and what are her plans and send her over to visit and talk if she's interested at all in the area.  Yeah, I'll relay that.
Right now I am burning...shhhh...I am doing my shredding with a hot dog fire.  It's a good way to fix supper and save your shredder.  Too many clips and staples.  So it's a bit like stirring a brew for a while, but there's a couple of logs in there, so it's making coals even as I type.
Today, I switched my home phone, my land line to a cell.  I just kept the same number and moved it to my already existing AT&T plan.  Hoping this works out OK.  We forward that phone number to where ever we are for the day and have to remember to unforward it.  Now, hopefully, we will remember the actual phone and just carry it along.  If you are my friend or family, I'll give you an optional number.  If not, call and someone will answer the phone...or leave us a message, pretty much the same as before.
The next step is to get my whole TWC thing straightened out.  Maybe tomorrow...or the next techie thing at a time.  Until tomorrow, this is not completely complete, so I think waiting until then is a good idea.  I was never excited about relying on a cell phone instead of a fixed phone.  Perhaps that comes with having a daughter who is usually on the end of the battery life.  But, we'll give it a try.  One step at a time
Now I'm off to a church meeting.  It's all about hospitality and I'm on the team.  We are planning our fall Parking Lot event and I'm pretty pumped.  Better get a move on.  I'm always late for everything.  I can always find just one more thing to do before I go and then....
See you tomorrow.


Be Still and KNOW... said...

So happy to have you back on line.....consecutive days even. Thanx Sue Henry.

Susan Anderson said...

What a great post...I feel a little more caught up now.
And I know all I need to know about Wednesday, too.
