Tuesday, August 30, 2011

Reading Proverbs....

I once heard a speaker, perhaps David Jeremiah, say that if you took a year, and read a day of Proverbs for the day of the month, every day and every month of that year, you would never be the same.
Today is the 30th, so Proverbs 30....."Every word of God is flawless; He is a shield to those who take refuge in him."
Take on the Proverbs Project and read the chapter of Proverbs every day that goes along with the date -for each month coming up, too....it could change your life. Won't you join us??

I invite you to join along, and please feel free to comment! You can use the anonymous label if you need to!!


Susan Anderson said...

I love reading Proverbs, but I like Psalms even better.


Mary @ Neat and Tidy said...

I'm just leaving the computer for my morning devotions. Count me in on this one.