Wednesday, February 4, 2009

Tax Time...

Working here in I ran some errands. Had to get a couple of things, so Hub sent me up to the local Office Depot to see what the closing the store markdowns were. Nothing there much we can't live without... had already bopped into the Christian Bookstore to pick up a couple of items for my friend's birthday package. I believe she's in her 80's birthdays. Decided to hit Target quick for the cereal & valentines Andy requested and a couple of other items. When I came out to my car a young man came up to me and said he had run out of gas in the parking lot ..his girlfriend and 8month old were in the car, right across from mine..he offered for his girlfriend to go with me if that would be better for me...I called the hubby and then left...I know, I watch Without A Trace. It just felt OK..back in the parking lot after 2 gas station stops (first one had no cans!) he had continued to thank me profusely, offer me $10, apologize for the smell, I found out he was from Sherman..nearly a neighbor...I thought he had looked familiar...

Oh,Yeah... and this is REALLY my 100th post, 'cuz I had some drafts and they were counted and now they are deleted...CELEBRATE 100!!

How about if you go to this . I think you might find it interesting...

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