Thursday, June 22, 2017

I was really going to try... be a better poster again.  But I keep waiting for life to slow down, and it doesn't.  So this morning I spread a bunch of stuff out on the island.  And decided it was time for some LEMON GINGER TEA-TOX.  Tasted might yummy.  Not sure what it'll do for me.  I'd better read up on the stuff.  I could be WONDER WOMAN tomorrow when I wake up!  But I grabbed one of my extra special mugs to drink it in.  And I drank and made a bit of list...but I was struggling with some can't-sit-stillness.  So my tea was hot, then some was warm, and part of it was cold.  But I liked the taste, all the same.  So while I was getting set down and set up, I sent a text to my friend, Lefty.  At his farm they bring him stuff on pallets every week... and they have I asked if I could get 4 of them for my project, and he texted back real quick that there were 4 leaning up against the garage by the we put 'em in the truck and brought them home...
And I went to work screwing them together to build myself a new compost box.  Kind of airy and open, but a place to put stuff ...and I still need to hook the 4th side to it.  But I think I want to hinge it, so I can swing it open.  I cut it apart, thinking I would make it like a Dutch door, but now I'm not sure I even want to hook the top part on.  It will make it a but shorter, and easier to dump into without swinging the door open.  Probably I'm not that good of a composted, but it feels like I'm doing something when I compost, and it seems a lot of times, my garbage bags gets full and oozy from peels and skins and scraps.  So I'm one step closer to doing what I did for a while and being happy about it....and that makes life a little bit better...and then this....

This is what a good plant MAMA's plants look like after the rain.  Happy, healthy and green!
and then there is this plant.  The one that was tucked around the corner and forgotten.  Dang!  I liked this plant.  And I think it's gone past the point of no return.  Into the compost bin it goes!!  I'll have to find a replacement one.

And I'm having another happy feeling, as I read books and finish them!  I still have a stack of leftover magazines that I haven't gotten to, but I sort of like to take them camping, cuz I can read them without concentrating.  I like to sit by myself with a book.  And sometimes that doesn't work out well with a group.  They feel they need to include you and don't want you to feel left out and if you, like me, spend a lot of your week with other people, then sometimes escaping with a book is the best kind of relaxation.  And I know it is often misunderstood as being snooty, or anti-social, but sometimes, you just need it.  So, this week I finished The Summer House, and now I'm ready to read the book that Jocie loaned me when I went to her place for her daughter's graduation party.  She knows I like the Gilmore Girls, and Parenthood, too.  So she thought I might want to read this.  I believe this might be book #5 since April and I count that as a major accomplishment.  My little sister reads a book or 3 a week, but I'm not in a place right now to do that and I have some crafting to do, too.  Have you read either of these?  Sometimes its hard to share books with well-meaning folks whose taste in books is very different from your own.  But I think this one will get read.  I'll be needing to line up another one or two on the nightstand...just for incentive...

Just wondering what you all are reading now... do you read more in the winter or summer, or a lot or a little??  That was one of the things we did in the summer as kids, was go to the library and check out books and read under a tree.  Maybe this weekend I'll have to find a tree.  Well, I have a couple of grad parties to go to, and a couple of grad gifts to stuff...but then, it just might happen.  Need the motivation for some healthier eating.  Got a bag of lettuce in the fridge getting icky cuz I'm feeling a bit lazy, but that's gotta stop and I have a hankering for some veggies...just veggies...cooked with some butter... my whole meal.Maybe tomorrow when I'm getting those stuffers, I'll get some veggies.

Now go to sleep....or you won't be worth anything in the morning...

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