Thursday, January 5, 2017

Yarn Along...a little late...

"~ Two of my favorite things are knitting and reading and I love sharing my projects and current reads here. I would love for you to join me every Wednesday to share a single photo of what you are knitting (or crocheting) and reading too! Share your photo on your blog, on Instagram (#yarnalong), or on Flickr. Leave a link below to share your photo with the rest of us!~"  Ginny at Small Things

I've made it.  I've completed the wedding the same year as the weddings... and they have been delivered...and life is good... and I'll just wait to see if they make their beds and send me a picture... I took a couple before they left, so I'm good... the daughter has returned to school, the 2 older boys and the misc spouses have returned to work, and the last one will get on a plane next Monday to fly back to Florida for the spring college semester.  Life is slowly adjusting...and tax season is coming fast and furious...and I THINK I'm ready...well, it's coming so I have to be ready.

So, in light of having a portable, in the car, project, I've tried a little preemie cap.  I know someone whose baby was born too early.  She is doing well, but she'll be in the hospital for a while.  Last weekend, she got to the 3 pound mark.  But along with that, I listened to a missionary speaker talk of infant mortality in the country she was living in, including her baby.  How the families have trouble finding clothes that little hats keep their little heads with all the tubes and wires, normal little clothes just don't I googled, and searched pinterest, and I've found a couple of projects.  This is my first little cap... The top needs a little help.  When I switched from my tiny circular needle, to double pointed needles, I didn't have the same size, so I winged it.  Next time I'll wing it a little differently. But hey!  If your tiny little head is cold, even my pointy hat will work!

And I've been trying to read good books.  Here's one I finished and liked...

right here.  I watch their show, and although I'm not in Texas, they might just be some good neighbors.  They don't argue and fight on the show, and I appreciate that.  I'll probably NOT do a huge reno to my house, there are things there that I can use.  And God is in there.  And they have come under fire recently, someone trying to lambaste them because of their church and preacher and what they believe, and my local Christian radio station had a great link today to Chip's response.  Amen to that.  Please, people, try to get along.  Give things and people a chance - you just might be surprised.
Let's none of us be HATERS...

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