Sunday, November 20, 2016

Where does the time GO?!?!?

this is what I was up to today.  it was a beautiful day in western New York state.  70 degrees or so.  Sunny skies.  Not much wind.  Good day to have the hubby on a ladder...hanging up the new lights we bought in case all the ones the youngest put away without checking last year, didn't work.  As you may be able to see from the floor display, there were chunks in all but 2 of these awesome twincicle lights that I bought on sale after Christmas a couple of years ago.  They are blue and white in one dripping strand.  I have a love/hate relationship with icicle lights.  I really like the way they look, but with our winter weather, I've found that they often blow up onto the roof and get snowed up there and then we start having technical difficulties.  After shaking and wiggling these strings of lights, and knowing there was no way I was going one by one to see what worked, besides the facts that I couldn't get the darn bulbs in and out, I made a creative decision.  I got the wire strippers and the electrical tape.  I noted where the dead spots were, I unplugged the string, cut the bad part out, stripped the wire, wrapped them together and taped them up good and now, what is hanging of these lights, is only the working parts.  I was so proud of myself.  I was throwing all those strings into the trash, but saved all but 2.  and had enough to get across the front of my house, thank you man on the ladder.  Now, this weekend, winter is supposed to come and I say, bring it on!  I have firewood and lights and books and food.


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