Wednesday, November 9, 2011

Working out of a mess...

Today is a TO DO day. I have done several TO DO things and I'm feeling good about what I'm crossing off the list...and now I'm in my Creative Space and can't wait to get movin' but I just remembered something that I wanted to get done on a day like today, so I'm off to wash that window over the kitchen sink...on the outside...cuz right now, it's not raining or snowing...and on November 9th, that's reason to celebrate and wash a window@!@
DONE ---check---
Window over the sink AND the front storm doors AND the kitchen sliding doors....
Dryer unloaded and folded, washer moved to dryer and clothesline and reloaded...
Back to cutting and creating... I love this time....perhaps I'll have to chisel in a little tidy time here in my space. I did a weekly, or maybe weakly house blessing upstairs this morning and the PLEDGE helps so people will think I cleaned. A little lemon Mr Clean for good measure... never hurts... But the large table could use a time of sort...I did put a pile of fabric away that I had hauled out and sorted through, and now I DO have space on the cutting board to cut 8" squares. So off I go!!
Just what are YOU working on today or this week or before Christmas?? I had a distress email from a friend who is a little panicked about decorating in 2 weeks when projects are not complete.... you eat an elephant one bite at a just do it... I told her which order to do things and we'll see if she goes that way... if not, it is what it is,....right, Sue???
Let's see how far I can get...

1 comment:

Susan Anderson said...

You and I are on the same page. I'm cleaning and organizing today.

