Monday, December 6, 2010

surprise holiday...

Today was a surprise holiday....That's's a SNOWDAY!! here in western NY....can you say 'LAKE EFFECT SNOW'? Yeah, we got it. Probably between a foot and 2 depending on where you stand in my yard. Don't you LOVE winter??? secretly, I'm OK with it. I am hoping my 5pm call has a message of 'you don't need to put your life on the line by driving here tomorrow' but that's probably hoping for too much, right??
So I have a free day and a bunch of stuff, but time is flying by and I haven't really started. Carpe Diem...
But I did turn on the iron and press wrinkles out of a couple of pieces of scraps and I found the Holiday postage stamps I need to get my Christmas cards I'm off for a little of that and a bit of the other.


Susan Anderson said...

My son is flying east to Virginia tomorrow (not quite as far as you are), but I'm hoping the weather is clear all the way!


Naturally Carol said...

This is a not so deep thought...I have to get my Christmas cards organised too...I have gotten a few in the mail already...and Dec. is whooshing by.

Mary @ Neat and Tidy said...

And the snow keeps coming! Hope you got your call yesterday. I went to work but left at noon. And it's still coming down here!

Hen Jen said...

oh wow, lots of snow! We really enjoyed visiting the snow in Spokane, WA, but I'm kind of glad to be back in So. Ca where it is 74 degrees today!