Tuesday, December 16, 2008

well, anyway....

I'm just doing a little health assessment...
the other nite I was reaching for the handrail and turning at the same time and missed the rail and jammed my bird finger into the wall and it cracked like a knuckle. I was NOT flying it in salute or anything, it just stuck out further than my other fingers and OOUCH!! But everything bent and moved ok, but it is not quite right. This is nothing major, but you just don't realize how good things are, until you have a little ache and then ... Wow!! I was feeling good and healthy and didn't think about how good it was! I also never realized how long it takes to grow a new fingernail...the one I shut in the car door on Labor Day is about 1/2 the way out and even though I watch it several times a day, it doesn't seem to be growing very fast. I was trying to pull out some strings from a sewing rip-out, hmm how difficult that is with only one nail. GOD gives us so many little blessings we never notice until they are gone...
I think I am going to change the date on my Christmas card post so it will stay on the front page of my blog, but then, is that 'cheating'?? People will now have to go to older posts to see them all...or not, perhaps I should make them search for them

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