Saturday, October 25, 2008

Sentenced to the dungeon

For the remainder of the afternoon, my husband says stay down there and get organized!!! He is much better at FOCUS, I am real good at DISTRACTED!!
Yes, I must... I have stacked and packed and slid and moved and now is the time to get it just the way I want it. Now that I have TV and it seems a wireless connection, I am easily distracted. As of last night, I didn't have enough signal to pick up the net, but this morning I was getting a glimmer and now, WOW... I have it. I will need to see what makes a difference in the signal, but for now, I'm lovin' it!! Back on track.. I inherited a 4 drawer and 2 drawer file and was trying to figure out how to ditch one or both of them, but right now, I am thinking I will keep them around while I sort. Better get to it...

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