Tuesday, September 30, 2008

Documenting the First Day- a little late!

Here is the shot of the first day of school 2008-2009. That is hard for me to write, as I frequently still start my dates with 19--. OOps!! This is Dan heading to 8th grade, Albert to 5th and Andrea to 11th. Alex is already at UB getting smarter. Dan is playing JV football this year, as he has passed the test to do so. Andrea is playing Varsity Volleyball and Albert is playing trombone and Cub Scout.
The good part about football, is this year, there is only 1 game a week. The bad things are you stand outside in every kind of weather , although the weather has been kind this year, and every play you stand, watching and waiting to make sure your kid got up. Watching volleyball for me is sometimes like feeding spoonfuls to babies - you know what I mean, where you find yourself opening your mouth with every bite going in :o) ... I will start leaning back and forth with each volley and hit. They are improving, but struggling... Homecoming is this weekend, so we have Spirit Week stuff going on. Last night Andrea finished up the shirts and I did the matching pants for her and Emily for twin day. They were really cute!! and as flannel goes, they will get some use out of them and not just have to be thrown into the costume tub...

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