Friday, August 30, 2019

Fleeting Summer

How did it get to be the end of August already?  Am I destined to watch the days, months, and years fly by at a rate that makes my head spin?  It's very possible that after you get over the hump of 50, that's just the way it is.  And that I am.  Have talked with a friend about starting a different kind of blog.  One that we tag-team write on.  But so far, it's still in the talking stage.  Wondering what it is that we have to say, that would entertain those who want to hear??  Thinking, thinking, thinking...

The end of summer, here on the border of New York and Pennsylvania is always a wake up call.  PA schools have returned back to the classroom this week and NYS school will following next week.  Funny how even without a life that cycles around the school year these days.  With the kids out of the house, no grandkids doing school yet, and our jobs not attached to the schools here, how we are still so tuned in to the change that is marked by BACK TO SCHOOL. And kind of funny that I still view summer as a freer time.  Is it really?  Or are we just so programmed from our youth to make it seem that way.  One benefit of that whole thinking is that the weather in September is usually every bit as nice as summer weather, but the larger tourist community has returned to routine, leaving the VRBO houses and the locations around them, much quieter.  This is the second year we will do our "summer vacation" in September and it was very relaxing last year.  My regular life tends to be a zoo now most of the year.  There are some spots and trips I'd like to take to busy places, but right now, I just crave peace....and quiet....and no questions to answer....


Anonymous said...

THe finishing school by Joanna goodman

karen said...

I love back to school time of year because around the bend is cooler weather which I thrive in. Have a great trip in September!