Monday, April 4, 2011


Last night I finally planted some seeds. I'd been procrastinating this task, looking for the dates that I did it in years past, and just not taking the time. But Saturday I found some more peat pot things, and I soaked them up good and then last night, I sat at the dining room table and put little purple pepper seeds, and Broccoli seeds, and Cauliflower seeds and my favorite, lots and lots of tomatoe seeds, regular and cherry, into 2 flats of pots. Here's hoping everything turns out OK. With life the way it is, it is nice to grow something...This morning when I looked, there is still a spot on the lower deck with snow, but the rest is gone...HURRAY!! I took a picture of my flats, all covered and thinking about growing, but I didn't load it up before I left FL, so I'll have to add it later. I'm SOOOO ready for some spring...and then end of Tax Season, and just a break from go, go, go... I think I'm too old for that! Looking forward to a visit with my sister, which involves eating, sleeping, watching movies, napping, shopping and stuff at whatever time of the day or night it strikes us. maybe I'll finish my sock and have a pair, after all. One down, and the other is started. Maybe I'll sew while I'm there...I have a BIG quilt to lay out and pin up... or maybe I'll start something new, because you KNOW how good I am at starting things!! I do have my birthday needles and the new sweater pattern and yarn that I ordered, just waiting to break out of the bag....or I have that other project that I got at the Red Brick Farm Yarn Cottage....Thinking I should wait until someone else does one that has adjusted the size and see what it takes...although I DID like the ones that she had there....hmmmm... and I liked the yarn that I picked out. Just my knitting companion on the left thought it might be a little too small, so she is expanding it.... we'll see


Lisa Loo said...

It always makes me giggle for some reason when you talk about your "sock".

Susan Anderson said...

Good for you, getting a little garden goodness going!

Happy spring!


Karen Sue said...

oh, IS like I have a SOCK creature that I always have to keep an eye on! I will finish this sock to have a pair and that will be a relief, but I have other (self-striping) sock yarn to try out. Although I don't LOVE socks yet, I would like to dominate the sock!!