Sunday, November 8, 2009

this is for Leanna...

Today we were talking in Sunday School about have a special place at home that is our quiet place, where we can go and do our bible reading/lesson..Just be alone and peaceful.. So I confessed to my class that I had done a bible study a few years ago that stressed how nice this is, so when I took over hubby's old office space downstairs, I set up a little quiet spot...and then life happened and this is what it looked like this afternoon... it is that whole piling thing happening...
so because I am trying to be a good example to my classmates and they are a good influence on me, I spent a little time in here this afternoon. I opened the window and tidied a bit and threw out some stuff and put some stuff away.
That Leanna is such a good influence on me.. mom thanks you, too.


Susan Anderson said...

Oh, I can see now that you really did some straightening up and organizing. (I looked at the wrong post first!) Good for you. It's always a good feeling to get a little more squared away.


The MO Farmers Daughter said...

hi,I havent had time to read all of your blog,but,did you loose your mom?I am sorry.I have been working on my blog some more,I got a few pictures on it now,I am not the smarterst computer person in the world I am still trying to learn.have a good day,carol