Sunday, August 30, 2009

Sunday, our day of rest...except...

you know... the MIL got a new knee almost 2 weeks ago and we hadn't delivered on the promised meal-to-the-invalid, so tuna & noodles for tonight it was...made a double batch so we could have it...actually started with another batch of bread, since I insisted that Mom & Dad keep what was left yesterday...they said it was good and I owed them that. If it was bad, I'd have brought it home, of course!!

We went to church and Sunday School, then came home and fixed a quick lunch..actually Scott and Bert fixed it while I ran up to Peek'n Peak with Andrea's rain gear for working today.

SO, I enlisted the help of Bert and he stirred while I added and kneaded and we set the bread to rise,
Then he decided he's make the oatmeal choc chip cookies that I made earlier this summer that he liked...

And I stirred up some French Cream cookies...sugar cookies sort of..need to refrig...please ignore the clutter on the table...we have a lot going on it our lives... :o) Don't tell my mom about the mess. the time I had posted this I really had gone back and cleaned off the table and the counter... I promise..I was in the process of loading the dishwasher already here! Just didn't want to miss the action shot...but by tomorrow, there will be another pile down there of stop & drop items!!
He baked his while mine were in the frig and I was stirring up that tuna and noodles... and when we were done, we had a meal worth delivering!!

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