Friday, August 21, 2009

School calendar

Yes, it came in my mail yesterday. The new school calendar. All fresh and crispy...just the beginnings of things to come. I'll try not to sound too sad as I note the 'lasts' for my senior girl. I thought it would get easier, but I think this not-so-little girl of mine - I'm not ready for her to fly yet. So I get out my highlighters and start marking the for Andy's volleyball, basketball, and softball games... green for Dan's football, basketball, and baseball wait, some of these basketball games start at 5 instead of 6..YIKES!! I've got to me at the right place at the right time.... mark homecoming, and prom, mayday and concerts...mark Senior play and NHS and things I need to be at... Hasn't even started and I'm busy already...

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