Friday, April 24, 2009

After my walk this morning, this is what it looked like in the east. Starting to warm up a bit and should be a good day for finally a softball game....

But after I switched the laundry and came upstairs, this is what it looked like to the west...perhaps NOT QUITE as nice as we had hoped.. but it rained and got it over with and my thermometer here at work is at a pleasant 70 degrees outside.
We are making the final preparations for the prom, and the after prom and the after afterprom party... we are a stopping place and I may be able to post a few shots after Saturday night... Bert has his bowling party on Sat at lunchtime, then we will fuss with Andy's hair a bit... then the dressing part, then pictures in several places, then she's off and we have a Cub scout dinner and then I'm at the after prom...for awhile, until I'm too tired, then I'm home... Do you remember YOUR prom?? I had a great GunnySax dress that my sister sewed me.. and I still have that dress. One of the few things I have from my younger years...spaghetti straps, little white satin collar...flowing skirt of light blue with flowers!! I feel younger already. Here's a hit on my big sister... the next year, she didn't like the dress pattern that I picked out, so she wouldn't sew it. I sewed my own, with help from the home ec teacher and I liked that dress, too. HA! I have that one in the cedar chest, too!! Happy Spring to you this week!! I am still missing my connection with the composted manure lady... I need to get my peas in... POOP HAPPENS, just not where I need it to yet!!


Anonymous said...

I remember a sister like figure in my life taking me shopping for my dress because it was after my mom's accident and then LITTLE Alex and Andrea brought me a beautiful corsage. That meant a ton to me!!

Lisa Loo said...

Oh my goodness--just the other day I was talking about my Gunne Sax dress I had for a prom and everyone looked at me with a blank stare--I really must be old..dang...