Friday, October 10, 2008


Yes, getting to the end of another glorious day... I have been spending my lunch time reading other peoples blogs and thoroughly enjoying it.... need to get a few more of my friends into this...I have gotten a lot of enjoyment from total strangers!! I think I'm having people withdrawl here at Ripley. If you started at the beginning, you will know that I taught preschool for 6 years, subbed for 2 years before that and was the assistant for 2 years before that. I do miss kids hugging me around the knees and thinking of me as WONDERFUL!!! Very much an ego thing, I admit it!! And then just chatting with the moms and dads coming and going...
My kids had no school, so two were still sleeping when I left. Dan was resting on the couch. It is a very comfy couch. I picked it out, so of course I like it!! I have a wide-at chair in my living room ... a term affectionately borrowed from Uncle Russ... that really needs some serious help. I had studied a book on slipcovers for a while, but hesitate to make the purchase of that much material without really knowing what I'm doing.... Perhaps I should just take all this stash of material without a definite purpose, sew it together and make Karen's Technocolor Dream Slipcover!! Oh, what an idea.
My BIL should be putting those finishing touches on the construction today... I'd love to start moving my hub's 0ffice stuff... he talks of boxes and packing and I think... open the drawer, take stuff out, carry it up, put it away!! But, yes, darn it, he makes sense, so I will spend a little while tonight tidying my messy, messy space. I keep telling myself it is mostly messy because I am preparing to move stuff, but I should really do something about it all. Like alot of pitching!!!Perhaps buy a gallon of FALL LEAF from Lowe's this weekend and put it on the table with all the other stuff I keep putting there for whenever I change rooms. I have visions of neatness and creativity in an organized environment, but wait... this is me... I have visions of the door being closed so no one knows the mess I have going in there! Tom Chapin was a favorite of my kids in their younger years and I can SO relate to the song "Happiness is Living in a Neat Mess"!
Better bop to the bank...
Have to find a good picture to insert here>>>

1 comment:

Lisa Loo said...

Hi Karen! Thanx for stopping by my blog! I've been lurking on yours now and you have a lovely family. I love the everything from hens--never heard that before! I'm having a chocolate giveaway--come put your comment in!